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With regard to political and civil freedoms, Syria is 3. Citizens in Syria experience little to no civil liberties and political rights. Citizens are not free to express themselves and do not enjoy political freedom or a representative government. Countries with this political situation are dangerous for investment, as an authoritarian government may have outsize control over economic matters. The businesses of Syria are 5 in terms of economic liberty. Citizens in Syria are considered not free with regards to their economic decisions. The government prohibits all economic activities by citizens, and some illegal business activities could be punishable by imprisonment or even death. Investors should avoid countries that are not free economically, as the risks do not justify any potential gain. In terms of journalistic freedom, the media of Syria is in a 5. In Syria, journalists face a very serious situation. Censorship dominates all publications and the government controls the majority of media outlets. Journalists that express opinions against the government may be punished with fines, imprisonment, or death.
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26% of population in the country are unemployed. The total number of unemployed people in Guadeloupe is 116,785. Guadeloupe emits 3.77 metric tons per capita of CO₂.
Labour The total labor force of Guadeloupe is 191,400 people. People in Guadeloupe speak the French language.
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Joint stock company, commonly abbreviated as JSC, is a public legal entity, which means that its shares can be publicly traded. Similarly as limited liability company, also JSC shareholders liability is limited by the contributed capital.
Authorised capital The minimum amount of capital for JSC is 35,000 EUR and this sum has to be paid in fully by the registration of the company. In case of specific legal entities, such as insurance companies, banks and other non-banking financial institutions, the minimum share capital amount can be much larger.
Shareholders of the company Similarly as for a limited liability company, the owners of company shares may be either legal entities or individuals. But contrary to a limited liability company, JSC shares can be bought and sold publicly. The maximum number of shares is unlimited and more shares can be issued during the life of the company. There are several types of shares and usually the shareholders’ rights to vote and receive dividends depend on the category of shares. Typically shareholders are entitled to express their opinion about the direction of the business and other subjects, such as the distribution of profit and appointment of the council. All shareholders’ decisions are made during a shareholders’ meeting.
A council elects as well as revokes members of the board of directors. Board of directors is the executive body of the company. Unless stated otherwise, all members of the board of directors represent the company jointly and decisions are made by voting. Only a private person can be a member of the board of directors.
Documents needed for JSC incorporation in Latvia In order to register a company in Latvia, below documents need to be submitted in the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia:
Company incorporation application form; Agreement (or a decision in case of a sole shareholder) to establish a company; Articles of association of the company; Bank’s reference confirming the share capital payment; Founder registry schedule of the company; Confirmation by the council of the company; Confirmations by the board members of the company; Resolution about the company’s legal address signed by a board member; Resolution about the allowance to register the company in the particular address (signed by the real estate’s owner); Proof of payment of the state taxes for a company formation; Proof of payment for a publication in the official newspaper “Latvijas Vestnesis” JSC incorporation process in Latvia Incorporation of a JSC in Latvia is a complex legal procedure, which requires involvement of experienced corporate lawyers or incorporation agents. JSC incorporation generally consists of the following steps:
Collection of all necessary information and documents for the incorporation of a company; Preparation of the foundation documents for the incorporation of a company; Signing of the foundation documents (at the notary); Opening of a temporary bank account where the share capital is paid; Payment of state fees for the company formation and the publication in the official newspaper; Submission of the foundation documents to the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia; When the company is registered, you shall receive following documents:
Certificate of registration; Articles of association; Decision of the state notary of the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia Reporting to tax office JSC is obliged to report its financial statements once a year and a report on the company’s employee salaries must be submitted each month. In case the company’s turnover exceeds 50,000 EUR, it is obliged to register as a VAT payer. This also needs to be done if the company plans to export goods or services abroad. If a company is registered as a VAT payer, it has to submit VAT reports on a monthly basis.
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In general, all jurisdictions can be divided into classic offshore, low-tax jurisdictions and prestige jurisdictions. The prestige of a jurisdiction corresponds to its rank, which is determined by taking into account and evaluating information from the International Sanctions List, the OECD Gray or Black List and the EU Jurisdiction White List as well as data on the development of the financial markets and determining whether the jurisdiction ob FATF AML is deficient and whether there are money laundering concerns. These are the basic criteria that matter in determining whether the jurisdiction is prestigious or not. It cannot be considered prestigious if it is on a financial blacklist.
Austria, France, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Switzerland are among the top five most reputable jurisdictions for incorporating a company.
A general overview of Austria
Registering a company or start-up in this jurisdiction allows the owner(s) to participate in all projects initiated by the Austrian government. The basic company types available are LLC, ULP, PJSC, PLLC, LLP, and JSC.
Taxes: The income tax rate is 25%, with a minimum corporation tax of EUR 500, plus 20% VAT and a capital tax that varies between 0.8% and 1%. If the subsidiary is registered within the EU, the tax rate on dividend income is 0%; if not, it is 25%.
Austria has agreements with more than 90 countries that enable companies to avoid double taxation. It has no exchange control. This jurisdiction ensures the confidentiality of business data.
A general overview of France
France is a respectable jurisdiction that allows your company to offer products and services bearing the mark of a European company. The basic legal structures available are SP, GP, PJSC, PJSC, LLC, CLS and LLPE.
France offers a number of options: the ability to obtain credit from French banks, the ability to obtain a residence permit, no taxation for companies registered in the country doing business outside of France, and no exchange controls. France has agreements with more than 89 other countries that allow companies to avoid double taxation.
A general overview of the United Kingdom
The UK is considered a respectable jurisdiction due to its high level of legal protection, a simple and transparent tax system, the ability to charge VAT and the availability of nominee services.
The basic company types available in the UK are PC, Limited Warranty Company, ULC and LLC. Again, there are no tax obligations for UK registered companies operating exclusively outside the country. Corporate tax rates depend on profit (between 20% and 24%). The UK has agreements with more than 100 countries that allow companies to avoid double taxation.
A general overview of the United States of America
The US offers a respectable, highly trusted jurisdiction for a company to register, allowing it to offer products and services bearing a US company's trademark. This jurisdiction imposes no tax obligations on entities designated as non-resident and also permits nominee services. There is no taxation for companies incorporated in the country that do all their business outside of the United States.
The basic legal structures available are private contractor, corporation, branch of a foreign corporation, representative office of a foreign corporation, partnership, LLC, joint venture, or LLJSC.
A general overview of Switzerland
The good reputation of this jurisdiction is based on several factors, such as strong business development, a dynamic economy and a track record of innovation. The most important corporate forms available in Switzerland are LLC, ULP, JSC, Commandite Partnership and Subsidiary.
Switzerland offers a high level of confidentiality, the world's leading currency, mechanisms to avoid double taxation, a reasonable tax system with tax rates depending on residence, income level and legal form of the company, tax optimization opportunities and the opportunity to set up service companies that can for the administration of the business activities of the parent company
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An agency company is an entity that has entered into an agreement with an offshore company (the principal) to act as an agent. The agency company itself does not conduct business activity in Austria, but receives income from the agency commission.
Austrian companies A GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung), a company with limited liability, is the most popular option for founding a business in Austria, both for domestic and international purposes. The following information describes the process of establishing this kind of company:
Statutory share capital The statutory share capital of an Austrian GmbH is €35,000, of which at least €17,500 must be paid in cash.
Directors and shareholders The company can be established with just one shareholder, no matter whether the shareholder is a domestic or foreign individual or a legal entity. The director of the GmbH is the only one legally authorised to represent the GmbH, and is personally responsible for liabilities resulting from legal transactions carried out on behalf of the GmbH and for any unpaid taxes. Corporate income tax The corporate income tax rate in Austria is 25%. There is also a minimum amount of tax that must be paid by Austrian companies, which is currently €1,750 per year, divided into four quarterly payments. These payments are due on 15 February, 17 May, 16 August and 15 November each year.
Agency structure basics At all stages, the agency company conducts business on behalf of the customer, who may be a company located in a tax haven, under the terms of the agency agreement. Business transactions are conducted through the Austrian company (which may trade, with VAT, with EU and non-EU companies) and the revenue is received into its bank account. After deducting a commission, the capital amount is transferred to the account of the real seller (e.g. the EU company). The agency commission can be set at 2%, 5% or even higher, and is usually paid annually. The Austrian company will declare the commission received as taxable income in Austria.
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Confidus Solutions deals with not only offshore companies and banking, but also provides all necessary business support services. Our professional team is much more than traditional bookkeeping agencies or company formation agents. We can ensure all required support, including legal framework and personal assistance, and these are things that provide our clients with comfort they deserve.
Our business support services include following offers, but are not limited to:
Legal address; Mail forwarding; Bank accounts opening; Translation services; Document legalization and verification; Business due diligence; Representation during negotiations; Consultations regarding insurance; Real estate purchase and due diligence; Legal advice on commercial law; Virtual office; Management office; Contract law. We highly value needs of our clients, so we can offer you more services on case-to-case basis. Even though our central office is located in Europe – our numerous co-operation partners around the globe can help us find unique solution in any part of the world!
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With the right documentation and the appropriate initial investments, it is possible for a foreign citizen to open a bank account in Puerto Rico. This opportunity for international accounts and investments offers several advantages due to economic regulations and tax structures. Interest rates, tax laws and fees vary depending on the country in which you invest. Careful research and strategic financial actions could result in significant portfolio growth.
If one is thinking about opening a bank account in Puerto Rico, one needs to enlist the help of international experts to guide them through the process.
Legal structures in Puerto Rico Each international jurisdiction has different tax and banking legal structures. Confidus Solutions will help you understand the nuances of each country's legal structure. In order to do business in Puerto Rico, it is vital for you to have a thorough understanding of the financial and legal ramifications.
Initial investments The vast majority of bank accounts in Puerto Rico require an initial financial outlay to ensure account opening. This value differs from bank to bank and also depends on variable exchange rates. An international financial expert will help you deal with these conversions, as well as the various fees and minimums associated with maintaining a bank account. Make sure you understand the interest and growth rates associated with each potential international bank account so you can maximize your returns while minimizing risk.
Tax Structures in Puerto Rico For best results and to avoid bureaucratic and legal pitfalls, enlist the help of an expert in international finance and economics. This initial investment in proper processes and research will help avoid a multitude of long-term costs and fees associated with unforeseen errors and legal errors. Language skills, financial know-how and bureaucratic experience ensure that your account opening is processed smoothly and without unintended consequences.
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The total population of Bolivia is 11,215,674 people. The people of Bolivia speak the Spanish, Uru, Aymara and Puquina languages. The linguistic diversity of Bolivia is vaguely diverse according to a fractionation scale, which is 0.224 for Bolivia. The average age is about 23.4 years. Life expectancy in Bolivia is 68. Female fertility rate in Bolivia is 3.2. Around 18% of the population of Bolivia is obese. Ethnic diversity is quite diverse according to a fractionation scale, which for Bolivia is 0.7396. Details of the language, religion, age, gender distribution and advancement of the people of Bolivia can be found in the sections below, as well as the section on education in the country.
Population In Bolivia, the population density is 9.46 people per square kilometer (25 per square mile). Based on these statistics, this country is considered very sparsely populated. The total population of Bolivia is 11,215,674 people. Bolivia has approximately 154,330 foreign immigrants. Immigrants in Bolivia make up 0.1 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. Immigrants in Bolivia make up 1.4 percent of the total number of immigrants worldwide. The ethnic diversity of Bolivia is quite diverse according to a fractionation scale based on ethnicity. Ethnic Fractionation (EF) deals with the number, size, socioeconomic distribution, and geographic location of diverse cultural groups, usually within a state or some other demarcated area. Specific cultural characteristics can refer to language, skin color, religion, ethnicity, customs and traditions, history, or other distinctive criteria, alone or in combination. These characteristics are often used for social exclusion and power monopolization. The index of ethnic fractionation in Bolivia is 0.7396. This means that there is a relatively high number of unique ethnic groups in Bolivia. EF is usually measured as 1 minus the Herfindahl concentration index of ethnolinguistic group proportions, which reflects the probability that two randomly drawn individuals from the population belong to different groups. The theoretical maximum of EF of 1 means that each person belongs to a different group. Below you will find statistics for Bolivia on the average age and gender distribution at different ages.
Gender The sex ratio, or number of males per female (estimated at birth), is 1.05. It can be further broken down into the following categories: sex ratio below 15 - 1.04; sex ratio from 15 to 64 - 0.96; sex ratio over 64 - 0.79; Overall sex ratio - 0.98. The overall sex ratio differs from the sex ratio estimated at birth. This is because some newborns are included in the sex ratio estimated at birth, but die within the first few weeks of life and are not included in the overall sex ratio.
Religion The majority religion in Bolivia is Christianity, whose adherents make up 93.9% of all religious believers in the country. Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the New Testament. Christianity is the largest religion in the world with over 2.4 billion adherents known as Christians. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind, whose coming as Christ or Messiah was prophesied in the Old Testament. In addition to Christianity, there are some followers of folk religions in Bolivia. Bolivia's religious diversity is vaguely diverse according to a fractionation scale based on the number of religions in Bolivia. The index of religious fractionation in Bolivia is 0.2085. This score means that within the country there is a major belief with a few other subordinate beliefs.
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Ukraine is considered a large nation due to its total area. Its total land area is 603,500 km² (about 233,012 mi²). The continental shelf of Ukraine is approximately 79,142 km² (approximately 30,557 mi²). Ukraine is in Europe. Europe is a continent whose borders date back to ancient times. European countries include the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malta and the Vatican, among others. Ukraine has 7 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include Belarus, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia. Ukraine is not a landlocked country. It means it is bounded by at least one major body of water. The average altitude range of Ukraine is 175 m (574 ft).
Neighbors The total length of land borders of Ukraine is 5618 kilometers (~2,169 miles). Ukraine has 8 unique land borders with neighboring territories and shares its land borders with 7 different countries. Ukraine has 1 non-contiguous segment of land borders. This happens when a country has a border with a neighbor and that border is divided by a border with another neighbor. Ukraine has 7 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include Belarus, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia. The lengths of land borders of Ukraine with its neighboring countries are as follows:
Belarus - 891 km (554 miles), Hungary - 103 km (64 miles), Moldova - 939 km (584 miles), Poland - 526 km (327 mi), Romania - 531 km (330 mi), Russia - 1576 km (979 mi), Slovakia - 97 km (60 miles).
Cities The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. The largest city in Ukraine is Kyiv.
Elevation The average altitude range of Ukraine is 175 m (574 ft). The highest point of Ukraine is Hora Hoverla with an official elevation of 2061 m (6,762 ft). The deepest point in Ukraine is the Kujalnik estuary. It is -5 m (-16 ft), i.e. below sea level. The difference in altitude between the highest (Hora Hoverla) and the lowest (Kujalnik Estuary) point in Ukraine is 2066 m (2 ft).
Area The total land area of Ukraine is 603,500 km² (about 233,012 mi²). and the total Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is 147,318 km² (~56,880 mi²). The continental shelf of Ukraine is approximately 79,142 km² (about 30,557 mi²). Including the landmass and the EEZ, the total area of Ukraine is approximately 750,818 km² (~289,891 mi²). Ukraine is considered a large nation due to its total area.
Forest and farmland 105,000 km² of the territory of Ukraine is covered with forests, and forest areas make up 17% of the total area of the country. In Ukraine, there are 324,791 km² of arable land, which accounts for 54% of the country's total territory.
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In terms of political and civil liberties, Uzbekistan ranks 3rd. Citizens in Uzbekistan experience little to no civil liberties and political rights. Citizens are not free to express themselves and enjoy neither political freedom nor representative government. Countries with this political situation are dangerous for investment as an authoritarian government may have over-control over economic affairs. The companies of Uzbekistan are 5 in terms of economic freedom. The citizens of Uzbekistan are not considered free in their economic decisions. The government prohibits citizens from all economic activities, and some illegal business activities are punishable by imprisonment or even death. Investors should avoid countries that are not economically free as the risks do not justify any potential gain. In terms of journalistic freedom, the media of Uzbekistan is in a 5. In Uzbekistan, journalists face a very serious situation. Censorship rules all publications and the government controls most of the media. Journalists who express opinions against the government can be punished with fines, imprisonment or death.
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Rwanda is considered a large nation because of its total area. Its total land area is 26,338 km² (about 10,169 mi²). The continental shelf of Rwanda is approximately 0 km². Rwanda is in Africa. Africa is the second largest and second most populous continent on earth. African countries include South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Egypt, among others. Rwanda has 4 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania and Uganda. Rwanda is a landlocked country. The average elevation range of Rwanda is 1,598 m (5,243 ft).
Neighbors The total length of land borders of Rwanda is 930 kilometers (~359 miles). Rwanda shares land borders with 4 different countries and has an equal number of unique land borders with neighboring areas. If, as in the case of Rwanda, a country has the same number of distinct neighboring regions as land borders, then that country does not have non-contiguous sections of a land border. This is in contrast to several countries that have multiple non-contiguous stretches of land borders. Rwanda has 4 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania and Uganda. The lengths of the land borders of Rwanda with its neighboring countries are as follows:
Burundi - 290 km (180 miles), Democratic Republic of the Congo - 217 km (135 mi), Tanzania - 217 km (135 miles), Uganda - 169 km (105 miles).
Cities The capital of Rwanda is Kigali. The largest city in Rwanda is Kigali.
Elevation The average elevation range of Rwanda is 1,598 m (5,243 ft). The highest point in Rwanda is Mount Karisimbi with an official elevation of 4507 m (14,787 ft). The lowest point in Rwanda is the Ruzizi River. It is 950 m (3,117 ft) above sea level. The difference in altitude between the highest (Mount Karisimbi) and the lowest (Ruzizi River) point in Rwanda is 3557 m (2 ft).
Area The total land area of Rwanda is 26,338 km² (about 10,169 mi²). and the total Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is 0 km² (~0 mi²). The continental shelf of Rwanda is approximately 0 km². Including the landmass and the EEZ, the total area of Rwanda is approximately 26,338 km² (~10,169 mi²). Rwanda is considered a large nation because of its total area.
Forest and farmland 3,161 km² of Rwanda's territory is covered with forests, and forest areas account for 12% of the country's total land area. There are 11,366 km² of arable land in Rwanda, which accounts for 43% of the country's total area.